Thursday, February 24, 2011


1. Choose a journal article on the use of technology in second or foreign language teaching and learning preferably an online article. The article must be from the year 2006 onwards.
2. Write a review on the article you have chosen and post it on your blog.

 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Technology in Second Language Acquisition

Journal: National Journal for Publishing and Mentoring Doctoral Student Research

Volume: Volume 3 Number 1

Year: 2006

  • Cheng-Chieh Lai - PhD Student in Educational Leadership, Prairie View A&M University, College of Education
  • William Allan Kritsonis - PhD Professor, PhD Program in Educational Leadership, Prairie View A&M University, Member of the Texas A&M University System

Link for the Article: HERE


              The major ideas that the author is trying to get across are that; there are advantages and disadvantages when it comes to using computer technology in the second language classroom. Some of the advantages include the fact that computer in language learning  could provide second language learners more independence from classrooms and allowing learners the option to work on their learning material at any time of the day. Besides that learning programs can also prove practices for students through the experiential learning, offer students more the learning motivation, enhance student achievement, increase authentic materials for study, encourage greater interaction between teachers and students and students and peers, emphasize the individual needs, regard independence from a single source of information, and finally enlarge global understanding. Currently, computer technology can provide a lot of fun games and communicative activities, reduce the learning stresses and anxieties, and provide repeated lessons as often as necessary. Those abilities will promote second language learners’ learning motivation. Another important point of advantage of computer technology is that through various communicative and interactive activities, computer technology can help second language learners strengthen their linguistic skills, affect their learning attitude, and build their self-instruction strategies and self-confidence.

The disadvantages on the other hand comprised of four major points as stated in the article. First, it will increase educational costs and harm the equity of education. This will cause unfair educational conditions for those poor schools and students. Second, most teachers today do not have sufficient technological training to guide their students exploring computer and its assisted language learning programs. Therefore, how will the teachers be able to educate the students appropriately if the teachers themselves are not aware of what they have to do? Third, the software of computer-assisted language learning programs is still imperfect as most of the courseware today deal with reading, listening, and writing skills. Fourth, computers cannot handle unexpected situations. This is due to the limitations of computer’s artificial intelligence, computer technology is unable to deal with learners’ unexpected learning problems and response to learners’ questions immediately as teachers do.


            For my personal opinion, the research does interest me because I do agree with the authors for this article. Although the use of technology in second language has proven to enhance the second language learning, it still has several limitations and that limitations have to be indentified in order to improve the usage of technology in second language classroom. However, I personally think that the research can be improved with some recommendations on how to deal with the disadvantages of using technology in second language teaching and learning. From the recommendations suggested, other researches can continue doing on more research to improve the usage of technology for today’s language classroom. The implication of the research in the teaching and learning of ESL in general actually help language teachers to be aware that although computer is a great tool in improving students’ competencies in ESL, the teacher is still in control of the classroom. English teachers should not rely much on technology, but rather they should focus on strategies in teaching that would encourage students’ motivation to master the language whether in writing, reading or communication skills. Technology is actually a medium that will only help if it is used with greater plans from teachers. Meanwhile, in Malaysia, the government encourages the use of technology in ESL classroom because the country is developing from day to day. The list of disadvantages from this research basically is pointing out the risk of using technology in ESL classroom in the Malaysian setting. With the list, educators now can question on how far does technology really help our students in their ESL learning especially those in rural areas? Students in rural areas have limited access in computer, and they have difficulties in using the computer. If a teacher does have computer skills and wanted to teach theses students, he might deal with frustration, as students will struggle in learning how to use the computer plus acquiring English as the second language. I believe that it all comes back with the teacher. How well does the teacher wants to improve his students in acquiring English as the second language. Technology should be used according to the environment and as mentioned in the research, technology can motivate students in learning. Teachers can use technology with simple games and simulations that students in the rural areas can also use. Carefully planned uses of games in the classroom (eg. Practicing certain verbs, tenses, questions, etc) add some interest to a classroom (Brown, 2001). When it comes to using technology in ESL classroom in Malaysia, I strongly believe that the main concern is those students who live in the rural areas. In conclusion, based on the research, teachers in general or in Malaysia should use technology in ESL classroom because of the advantages but also teachers should plan well according to students’ environment in order to achieve the target of enhancing English as a second language.


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